Friday, October 8, 2010

Does A Queen Mattress Fit In A Cargo Van

Je veux vivre (Roméo et Juliette)

"I want to live," soprano aria from Gounod's Romeo and Juliet (Romeo and Juliet). Before falling in love, Juliet Rejoice in Her youth and innocence.

Ah! I want to live Ah! I want to live
In the dream drunk in the dream Which intoxicate me
that day again! stills for this one day!
Sweet flame Sweet Flame,
Je te garde dans mon âme I keep you in my soul
Comme un trésor! like a treasure!
Cette ivresse This intoxication
De jeunesse of youth,
Ne dure hélas! qu'un jour, alas, only lasts a day,
Puis vient l'heure then comes the hour
Où l'on pleure, when one weeps,
Le coeur cède à love, the Heart yield to love,
And happiness fled forever! Flees and happiness, never to return!
Ah! I want to live Ah! I want to live
In this dream that intoxicates in this dream Which intoxicate me
long while yet! for a long time "still!
Sweet flame Sweet Flame,
I keep you in my soul I keep you in my soul
Like a treasure! Like a treasure!
Far from the gloomy winter, Far from the sullen winter,
Let me sleep, let me sleep ,
And breathe pink and breathe in the rose's scent
Before the pluck. Before icts scattering petals.
Ah! Gentle flame Ah Sweet Flame,
remains in my soul stay in my soul
Like a sweet treasure like a sweet treasure
Longtemps Encore! for a long time still!
Ah! Comme un trésor Ah! Like a treasure
Longtemps Encore! for a long time still!

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