Monday, September 27, 2010

Example Confidentiality Statement

Change is in the wind!

Dear readers, I have made two changes that I would like to tell you about. The first is to the tags for operas that begin with the definite or indefinite article (the, a, an) in any language. It seemed to me that someone looking for I Pagliacci will be more likely to look under P than under I. Therefore, tags for operas that begin with an article have been changed from the form opera: i pagliacci to opera: pagliacci (i) . I hope that's clear. If you have any comments on these or other changes, please let me know.

The second change is that I have started cross-posting to Dreamwidth! You can follow [personal profile] opera_cat on Dreamwidth or [info] opera_cat on LiveJournal. Hopefully the cross-posting will go smoothly, with entries on the two services corresponding to each other like F# and G-flat. Again, if you notice any problems or issues, please let me know.

This entry was originally posted at . LiveJournal users may comment there using OpenID.


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