Monday, November 2, 2009
Advantages Of Activia Yogurt
's a lot of time not updating, I know, but this week I happened to have all the colors ... so we start from where they all start stories or start.
Banal, the lot.
The week began normal lessons, trying to study, trying to encourage Thomas and several bales. But none of these things I was able, again for my lack of balance, therefore practically have not done anything this week if you lose your phone, buy a new one, dying for a cold, kill me to translate, and studying history but little else that I am not to list.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thick White Discharge Before Menstruation
Dear Livejournal!
I apologize if I did not write these days but unfortunately broken between the modem and other problems not failed to do anything:)
I'm fine, I'm growing several friends recently and I'm really glad to have found some as Yali and have rediscovered Mirella (given that more study and we were never able to feel).
Yali came between me and very special friendship, so that we celebrated the 1-month and I know I've got a flock of origami butterflies (xD idea that idiot) and she instead gave me a thing useful (actually, I missed!), or a cup for tea with a tiger drawn (I did not say anything about Ducas and the like).
I swear I did not ask anything, says he relied on and that I I would have said the same (oo) /
Vabbeh might as well!
Soon I will have an R4 and I'm happy, because I hope to help me study Japanese! About study .... HISTORY! ç____ç
I have too many things to do! ç_ç between Anglo and other translations it is difficult to do everything ç___ç
Damn! ç_ç
By the way I remembered having to talk to Federica now! é.è /
Vabbeh, I'll make it, at the cost of going to bed every night at 4. Maybe we should really take into account that the Japanese method of Karekano.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
How To Contact Appointment Mama Lola
Well, what to say. For the time goes. I intend to write here ^. ^ And I'm very happy, I like to keep a constant thing! :)
Back to us, I feel like a cartoon: (fuck that, I feel tossed from side to side and does not seem enough ...
How is it possible?
That is, work, I do not exactly splitting the back but at least I committed there, when I can study, attend classes and I'm home just long enough to sleep and do a few things and she complains that my room is a mess. ;
Why do not you have created with the gene order? ç__ç
you want a sort of hospital room, transported to his house, I did not want to do everything ... with all the things I have to do, sights, etc. I did not ... its time to stay behind even my room!
FIUU. Even breathing is becoming difficult, I ache behind my body and I honestly have slightly lost track of the hours and minutes (but are 7 am or 11?: O) Last night I slept 5 hours, since I had to finish things before the collapse of Anglo, but it was so late because as usual I spent the time to fuck ç_____________ç
Evvabbeh, that sucks! Now I sleep, I go to sleep I'm dying (there were years I did not say a sentence like that, a good sign?) I'm so tired of programming ...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Non Microwave Safe Bowls In The Microwave
Hello everybody!
Today I stayed home from work, a little 'because the headache was unbearable, a little' why not 's mood (ever) to work with people who send you to fuck off (harsh reality) and a little 'because throat, ears and nose are broken.
And we must also consider that I've done the math (just two) and I realized I should do things Anglo, since yesterday I dangle up at 3 am crying covering old photos and listening to the songs of Bon Jovi (and after this I already know that you will give me permission to listen to Arashi always xD).
I continued to cry, then I was filming and then fell back this morning ... of course I was more stoned than anyone else to be on Earth.
I need someone around me, but I always that fear in my heart, that of being a burden, that stupid that little thing can not go it alone ... and sent on others.
This is evil ç___ç
But let's move on, I'm going back to a time where my life was broken, out of control and more dead than alive.
Yali is helping me more than you might imagine, but honestly, it sounds strange, but I have not yet figured out why they do it. XDD
We feel tomorrow:)
Hoping to bring a smile:)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Why Do Worts Turn Black
not updated since about 5 weeks, and during this period are quite a lot of things happened. As befits a person just as steady myself, I made a lot of plans but very few have been successful.
But anyway, we talk with Soi, mica pizza and figs. So there is some good news!
First of all, a great relationship is broken, and really I feel I have lost something great. But if it were not so, maybe not ... it was love that was.
We decided to go forward, to throw almost everything behind, to be strong and learn from this experience. We were happy, we laughed like idiots, we've been together with passion and love ... but this is not what makes an everlasting love.
There are other things, situations that can not be resolved with a kiss, but only with a farewell.
For this reason I would not write any more. I was not able to express other feelings that were not sadness. But now, only now, a month later, I can raise my head.
I have to go way ahead.
There's really no choice, I can not get stuck in a mess which I do hard to see the end. The light is there.
And I will join you.
I met some interesting people lately, and I hope that our friendship will grow very slowly, like a flower in spring.
These people are fantastic and I just want to be able to look back and see a wonderful past, shared with a person who deserves nothing but my respect.
soon ^. ^
Monday, August 31, 2009
Men Wax Singapore Female
I'm getting depression.
And no I is not stupid. I feel envy simply absurd for all the people are now doing what I want to do, have the consistency that I wish I had ... or, I would like to have everything I have. And no, I am not referring to those who went to Kanazawa, because I know that if they are deserved.
I refer to those fucking spoiled children, those with a tear people get what they want. I do not come to say that those who are using money earned because I swear I spit in his face.
People of the past, people of this and unfortunately, will also meet people in the future as well.
People they do not understand the value of money and maybe does not give due importance. Do not they know that while they cry out to the world their wealth, I do not sleep at night to return some accounts and that I do not work because I can, because I have to work.
know how much I care that you have XXX € in the bank? You know what would make me sick to know that I put aside for a figure like that, I avoid going out for 10 years and not spend any of what I earn?
Do you know what you did wrong when I deemed my meals prepared at home by barbons? Eh? Just because you can afford a coffee and a meal at the bar every fucking day, not to say that I have to redo it.
'm pissed off, fuck.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Game Camera Satelite Viewing
This morning I had a strange feeling ...
I was too curious to see how this thing worked, sorry XD
Anyway I was clearly asleep, yet despite the heat and discomfort, I loved the feeling of blankets on my legs. It was as if I protect! A wonderful feeling that usually only when I try meditation, which happens on a day of good intentions, or Monday, since they are really just settled and I can not pursue something ...
These days I am studying with flashes, I have a constant headache and it seems that the heat is inhibiting my ability: (Not true, I do not want to be like!
I did not even want to write in English, you think! (
all for today, I hope to fix the bedroom and study something today, doing something really productive:)
tomorrow, or tonight, it depends! :)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hell's Kitchen Is Staged
Hello everybody.
That Sometimes I know my post can be terrible and soulful somekind of boring But today is an important day.
Today is a terrible anniversary and no , I do not want to talk about it.
I've passed my Entire Existence to moan about my life, my friends, my look and all the things that are around me, just because my expectation of life and living are similar to a telefilm where everything is perfect and none have a problem.
Why can't I be realist? Why can't I be happy for the things that I manage to achieve? I can breathe, I can walk, I can see, I can love, I have an house, I can talk to the word, I can express what I need to express...what is the problem?
What I expect to do?
EXPECTATION: this is the key word. Everytime I do something I expect that it all will develope in one way, without any exception.
But sometimes, even your friends will delude you, they will say something that will break your heart in a thousand of pieces, and you will die for the disappointment.
And you will be the only one to suffer.
I'm so anxious to live a perfect life that I can't see the good things. I fell so ungrateful to all the people that did so much for me, just to see a smile on my face.
That's the point. I wanted more, and I didn't realize what really matters, what a person really needs. I don't need to get out every night, to go to the disco or to eat in a resturant every saturday.
I need to see my grandsons grow, I need to see my boyfriend smile, to laugh with my bestfriend like little kids.
I need to comfort my friends from pain and grief, I need to feel the others' love.
I need to feel like a human being, not a number.
I'm tired to be someone that the others don't really know, she is a stranger even to me.
I want to live my life. And I will decide how, where and with who.
That's all.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Why Are My Avacado Trees Dying?
I REALLY would write a few words of thanks for
You can find that fic HERE .
Many thanks for your kindness.. I've already told you but I LOVE how you've describe Gilbert 's loneliness feelings.
I like very much 'bert and I like also Feliciano and Ludwig and the way they interac with Prussia.
I love you.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Kharghar Property Rates 2010
Hello! ^^/
I come with another "fanart" from APH. =/o/=
Uhm.. I know this sketch is TOTALLY out of all proportion
Uff, I really would like to draw well.. ç_ç
As I've already told so many times, when I drawn Ludwig he's always seems too-drunk-for-everything
I'm very worry about that.
By the way this is the FIRST TIME I've being able to drawn some quite decent profiles so I'm a bit happy.. Just a little, of course! U^U
Time to go, tomorrow I must wake up early for the stupid stocktaking.. ç_ç
How boredom!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Is Udresses Reliable?
Here I am again, bringing some
<depress mode-ON>
First of all the first pic is all about Italy Bros .
I found both of them really cute and sweet despite their idiocy and then.. they're the personification of my dear Country. °_°
I can't love them, try to understand me! XD
Second pic is about one of my fav APH pairing: Germany X Italy .
Telling the truth I'd prefer Germany as uke (even if I know it's not right from an historical point of view) but there aren't many doujinshi with reverse role so I'm starting to think about Lud is also a perfect seme, after all..
I can't understand why I always drawn Germany with such drunk!face.. °_°''
Third and last pic!
France nii-chan and Tsun'n'Feary!Uk .
I love this two and I love them as a couple (Francis is absolutely uke! History tells so. *_*)
Sorry, I know that Arthur really doesn't seems Arthur.. =__=''
I can't drawn him well, it's too tsunder-ness for me! X°D
Ok, ok.. Time to run away! °_°''
Sorry again for the fan-(not) art I've posted !
JA NE! ~ ♥
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Play Number Munchers Online
Hello everybody! ^-^
I hope you're doing well! I am a bit tired, this morning I got up at 5.30 am to wake up my mother, so I decided that I've sleep enought.
I will try to give a sense to this blog, presenting all the new (or old 8D) Japanese group that I discover.
I don't know if I've wrote it already, but I'm doing some translation for JAME italian website, so sometimes I discover some really good groups and I want you to know them.
Here is the first one.
[ edit ] Phase 1
Shiina came to think that she wanted to work with a band while working on her last solo album, Karuki Zamen Kuri no Hana . She began looking for members of her backing band to support her solo tour "Sugoroku Ecstasy" in the Autumn of 2003. The musicians she selected became the core of what would become Tokyo Jihen.
The tour band was introduced as Tokyo Jihen during the tour for the first time, featuring guitarist Hirama, keyboardist HZM, drummer Hata, and familiar bassist Kameda.
After the tour, she announced her retirement from her solo career, and that she was joining her backing band, Tokyo Jihen as a member of them.
Mikio Hirama ( 晝海 幹音 Hirama Mikio ? ) , or Micky , had released two mini-albums on indie labels as a solo musician, and he also was in the band "peppermints kiss cafe" as a guitarist at that time. Shiina Ringo had met him before from a certain audition. She decided to look for him, and she just employed him.
H ZETT M ( H是都M HZM ? ) had already come out on a major label as a member of the Japanese jazz instrumental band " PE'Z ", a five-man group.
Toshiki Hata ( 刄田 綴色 Hata Toshiki ? ) had played the drums as session musician and tour musician of various musicians, such as Mika Nakashima , Dreams Come True . Moreover, he was the drummer in the band of Junpei Shiina ( 椎名 純平 Shiina Junpei ? ) , her elder brother.
Seiji Kameda ( 亀田誠司 Kameda Seiji ? ) , whom Shiina Ringo calls "Shisho"(=master), is a producer and music arranger of many musicians, and session bassist. He knew Shiina Ringo before her debut, and had supported her since her debut. He rose to fame with her.
The real names of Hirama and Hata are "平間 幹央" and "畑 利樹" respectively, but, Shiina Ringo gave them stage names, using Kanji which is not usually used for their names, but as they are the phonetic equivalent, the pronunciation is not changed.
On July 1, 2005, keyboardist H ZETT M and guitarist Hirama Mikio left Tokyo Jihen. HZM returned to his duties as pianist for PE'Z and Hirama returned to his solo career. It was decided that they would withdraw from the band before the "dynamite!" tour started.
[ edit ] Phase 2
After the departure of the band's former guitarist and keyboardist, Shiina began a search for new members.
She was going to have at least a keyboard player join because two people left the band at the same time. She began visiting music clubs to look for the musician who could play the keyboard instrument. [ 1 ] She decided to invite Keitaro Izawa ( 伊澤 啓太郎 Izawa Keitaro ? ) , a friend and former bandmate of HZM. Shiina planned to give him a stage name, but he refused and chose one for himself - Ichiyo Izawa ( 伊澤 一葉 Izawa Ichiyo ? ) .
On the other hand, the search for guitarist ran into difficulties. She invited some guitarists, but she was declined by all of them. They might have disliked considering them as her backing band. [ 2 ] At worst, she planned to choose a different guitarist each time without having a regular guitarist. However, the other members who listened to the 1st album " Kyouiku " demo by chance were pleased with the guitarist who played it, and asked Shiina his name. The guitarist was Ryosuke Nagaoka ( 長岡 亮介 Nagaoka Ryosuke ? ) / Ukigumo ( 浮雲 Floating cloud ? ) . Shiina and Ukigumo had been friends since her days as a soloist, and he had played in a band with Ringo's elder brother Junpei Shiina , with Hata and Tabu Zombie before, and also participated in the production of her third album. Also when the former members left her, he had given her advice. He turned down the offer to join Tokyo Jihen at first, but finally accepted just before recording began for " Adult ".
With so many members replaced Shiina considered changing the name of the band, but decided against it in the end.
In September 2005, keyboardist Izawa Ichiyou and guitarist Ukigumo joined Tokyo Jihen. After this, the lineup including the former members came to be called 第一期 ( Dai-Ikki Phase 1 ? ) , with the current one referred to as 第二期 ( Dai-Niki Phase 2 ? ) .
Ukigumo and Izawa are members of other groups; Ukigumo's is " ペトロールズ "(PETROLZ) and Izawa's " Appa ". Kameda and Hata also do some side work, Kameda as a producer and Hata as a session musician. Shiina has also resumed her solo career, but this is by no means the end of Tokyo Jihen.
On May 25, 2009, it was announced that Izawa joined " the HIATUS " which Takashi Hosomi (ex- Ellegarden ) formed newly. They define the HIATUS as "a project of music, arts, and depicters" in their site. The recording artists and the tour artists are made public there, respectively. Izawa appears as a tour artist.
[ edit ] History
In 2004, Tokyo Jihen appeared in Fuji Rock Festival.
The music video of "Killer Tune" was chosen as "BEST TECHNICAL WORKS VIDEO" of SPACE SHOWER MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS 08 of Space Shower TV which is the first pay channel specialized in music in Japan on March 15, 2008.
[ edi
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Do Volleyball Players Get Camel Toes
Konnichiwa minnasan!
Genkidesuka? I don't feel very well, actually. I have a terrible allergy and right now some not very pleasant dolors >-<
It may seem strange to you, but here in Italy it's cold O-o
Normally, at this time of the year, it's sunny and hot like hell but this year is quite strange :(
This is my period of exams and don't feel very well particulary in this period it's a disaster because I can't study as much as I want to ç__ç
Fortunatly, my beloved arashi exist! =)
Enjoy it!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Install Manual For Astrostart
Has Been Loooon time passed since last time I post .. U_U
And do not even know if my English has improved despite having taken over from scratch nearly two weeks ago.
Since I did not know quite what to do and since the last depression "All the houses I see are too expensive ERGO I'll never go to live alone!" is felt stronger and stronger I am on the infinitesimally small scribbles .. yes, I mean the drawing. =__='
Lately I'm more "delight" with GSRanger or caricature the adventures that happen in the shop where I work with actors ET me my distinguished colleague ..
GSHetaRanger Here then, that the crossover between my beloved GameStoppini and my beloved (except Alfred, of course) characters Hetalia .. First of all
USA, UK and France. * O *
Daia / / Green = Francis / / France (for obvious reasons! X ° D)
myself / / Red = Alfred / / USA (although I admit that we hate him deeply .. =__='') similar
Marty / / Blue = Arthur / / Uk (because some of his attitudes are quite Tsun! .. and I am sure that she liked "little friends of the forest" Uk! XD)

And now we come to the last two countries Rossi!
Eli / / Yang = White / / China (for the ubiquitous Panda-kun, of course XD)
Ceci / / Black = Russia / / Ivan (YAN ! That girl is very scary and Yan, dammit! X ° D)

Ah, my beloved Communist! Nation-tan .. * O *
Since the Allies-tan are already finished, and next time SE WHEN I get time I'll try to post the Allies-tan, this time all boys ..
Pink, Yellow and DeepShadow .. Prepare yourselves! * L * 7
Oooook, finished! X ° D
I have no other designs (and thank goodness, I dare say! X ° D), so for now I close here.
solemnly promise that I will endeavor to design the new strips for the adventures of GSRanger \u0026lt;parola of Lupetto>!
JA neee!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Eyesight Requirements For Marines
the end there is little to do. Is an inconstant inconstant in any way you put. From Easter to now has been a declining one, I have not done anything but angry, do nothing, do not go out, not fun, time for love to steal, steal time to not know who to be happy and shut myself up in a sea of lies in order to suffer less.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Calories In Stir Fry Vegetable
not believe it. I do not. I can not believe. If you believe it, I die, my mother does not start. Not handle the fuck. No paradise with David. Nothing at all.
Hownmuch Money Is A Desert Eagle
I am a little sad, though I can not really tell you why . My mother goes to Easter, David is so much fun here and there. I wish someone would come to dinner Saturday night at my house but I really fear to ask why as well as Diana did not really know who to call ... but I'm really so friendless? Not to mention that long ago I sent a message on facebook to Xausa ... asking for help. And she did not yet responded .. and I do not know what to think because I thought it was really a friend of mine even though we never talked about such things and such, maybe they are scared, maybe not ... maybe and only a little careless, or as Thomas does not mind that certain things or I do not consider her a true friend, maybe he does not think it's one of those people with whom you can talk if you have problems ...
Or maybe I just consider ... And maybe
is good ...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Confirmation Letters Samples
Too tired to write something with a meaning so I will do it tomorrow, editing this post! Kisses
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Calf Cramps During Soccer Games
Finally I can write in Jun's color! :)
Today was again a strange day, but somehow was a relief. Today me and my boyfriend argued about easter holidays. For those that don't know the situation I will summarize the story. Me and my boyfriend live in two different cities: I live in Turin and he lives in Milan. They aren't too far...the main problem is that my mother is a bit too protective and she doesn't think that I am enought old for a love story and that is too early for being in love. But I love him too much for listen to this bullshit, so I decided to continue my relationship until I wanted to. I have some problem with money lately, so he often come over here in Turin but he can't come during the week because we have classes so he came often during the weekend. But during the weekend, my mum is at home so she don't want to see anybody...we are forced to pass our sundays outside, no matter the weather, because my mum is too strict. This is absurd, isn't it?
Sometimes we argue because I feel that he is unhappy with me because we can't live a normal relationship but during the time we spent toghether he was always comprehensive with me. The holidays are always a good chance to be toghether for more than one day, so we must take advantages of it as much as we can, but, as you can imagine, is not so easy. So today we finally face the issue of trying to be toghether during this holidays but we argued for 2 hours or such.
I was really terrified because I was going to lose him for real and the idea really scares me to death. He really rapresent an istitution to me, something that I can live without it.
Before him, I had a boyfriend, now ex obviously, that I was used to like very much but we got tired of the situation, the same situation that I live now with him. Maybe he is stronger than him or he only love me more than the other, but the fact is that I asked a few hours for thinking about the situation and the probable solution to our problem. I thought also about the possibility to break up with him. But I thought, and I still think it, that is impossible to live without him.
Finally I can say that I'm so in love with a person that I can also make some project with him, something that doesn't smell of heaviness or compromise, but it seems to be happy and glorious.
Probably, today was the day when I discovered what love a person really means. And I'm happy. So happy.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Reoccurring Pain In Right Leg
E con il colore di Ohno, chiudiamo la cinquina. Eh sì, perchè i colori dei testi erano decisi sulla base dei colori degli Arashi (non sono fissata, no!).
Ho appena trovato un blog che could really be interesting about the Arashi ...:) Tomorrow I think I will give some news to Xaus that, among other things, informed me that there is a wonderful little program to see the Japanese television o_O
What news meravigliosaaa ç___ç About
some Xaus, today I did something absurd
xDD I try to tell even if it is not easy to make perfect the EPIC FAIL that I could do. After the lesson of Kobayashi, we move all around our homes and not even time to get out that Xaus had already disappeared o_O /
Bikkurishita! So I thought I had greeted me as usual but I had not noticed, partly because the loud music does not do very well in the ears, so let's say that I do not feel very well ^ ^ "
Howewer, we say goodbye to everyone after a wonderful time when I've had for 2 seconds the impression of being returned to the medium ... the atmosphere has been the funny, it was the fact that I had the glasses and then I feel as in those days, the fact is I do for a healthy Xaus doing bad comments on the fact that his computer will not work because it's fucking pink but Xaus continues to say no (of course xD A is CAZZATE ROSA). However, do I say goodbye and pesto un piede per sbaglio. Mi metto a ridere, le chiedo scusa sempre ridendo come una deficiente e perdo l'equilibrio, ma non cado perchè nel panico prendo una tetta di Xausì per reggermi...
and I Xaus we burst out laughing like the idiot, I really could not stand, especially because it happened in front of everyone but no one has noticed anything xD
Xaus I love you! :) But tell me that they are an idiot xDD
Monday, April 6, 2009
Commercial Motion Sensor
Already stray. Azz.
Vabbeh, but they are justified, both yesterday and today were the days stressful, tiring and busy. We start from the very beginning.
April 5, 2009 ~ Sunday ~ ♥ David Stefania
E 'and I get up Sunday morning to pick up David. I think a nice program, pretty intense. Those who have not yet had the pleasure to get in touch with the undersigned closely you will realize in reading this posting that I am a little masochistic to me.
Maya comes to wake me with his meow I always open my heart. When I see David peeping out from the subway, I'm really open wide the eyes of joy. I laugh, smile, meow (why yes, when I'm happy meow). We walked around downtown, undecided what to do. We wanted to go to the park to relax but the weather was quite ambiguous and therefore we did not know how. At the end we went to the park, lying on a blanket that does not even know from which planet were e. .. we recovered the 2-week distance. We talked, joked, laughed, made fun of the strange color combinations that we saw around ... the usual words. At 5 we were tired, and as usual I had some things back in to do that night so David decided to take the train. Kawaii ~ I'm feeling
stupid blog to tell you all this way why do not minimize the idea of that day, our conversation in English, of our fantastic spammed in real .. . ♥ this is love.
Monday April 6, 2009 ~ ~ shook
This morning I come to class late. Fault of my "outstanding matters" on Sunday. Shower, hair replaced by the Danish study, almost purely useless. For a second I'm afraid to be done on another planet. Will stress since Monday morning, the lack of a high rate of caffeine in my veins but I really do not recognize anything around me. It seems a different world, almost free .... I can not describe the feeling I had, I think of all affected by the lack of Diana and Federica, faithful companions during the long days of universities, by my side during most of the day, it was my total lack of confidence because of Today I had to put glasses (eye infection, -.-) or maybe because for the first time I'm taking the university as a serious matter, the fact is that I felt strange, is in a good way in which a bad way.
Flight to Denmark to take a test that do not even know, even if something I write. And then followed the other lessons, although we can not certainly say that they are moving quickly, not that. But the biggest news was undoubtedly that of the earthquake in Italy that made me tremble with fear for good 2 minutes and still shocked me.
But this is not the place to talk about it nor for polemicizzare .
'm just shaken by the question: "What if ...".
Saturday, April 4, 2009
How To Tie Double Upper
Today Was Some Of Those Day When you think "I'm not sure I want to live a day like this never again". Today, like yesterday, I was full of those worries that I tried to leave behind writing on this blog and obviosly without any success. Open again a blog is very important to me because I'm not used anymore to write something about my life and I really don't have time to think about what is REALLY going on. But somehow I did it, I managed to live until now, mantaining a wonderful love story with my boyfriend that, even this time, was ready for me at the right moment, I still have some friends behind my back, ready to help me and to be helped by me. Now I know that I am what I want to be. Maybe I'm not perfect, but I am a human, I'm sensitive, I'm stupid and I am a collection of contraddictions. All rolled into one, with a big ribbon on it.
I don't know what I want but somehow I know who to get what I call the "little aims": some freedom that I deserve from years that now I am able to conquer by myself and with the help of the others.
I live for a dream. My dreams are my fuel. And this must be my only aim for living this life that isn't what I really want but at least is here.
I will not escape from the bad news. I will not hide in the corner waiting for the sunlight. I'm afraid, actually. But my love for the people that really want me here Keeps me alive, and Encourage me to move on, step by step, little by little.
You will be proud of me someday.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Donations Of Toothbrushes
just because I write in Italian at heart I am ashamed to make mistakes and the resulting huge figures of shit. Every time I think the evening, I think of all the things back in the day that I have avoided making but most of all I'm thinking to rest, sweet peace temporarily, before returning to full speed in daily life.
I wonder why I see life as a stress, weight that brings nothing but worries. I have no desire to get rid of it, especially because unlike past years I really missed something important and that my decision would affect too many lives.
My life is in a small bird cage, hanging near a window, with a view on the profiles of the distant buildings of the city. I do not know what color it is, I have not ever taken care of, but I am heartened that dream away tears and still a smile, in what might seem like a life without purpose or hope.
A small happiness, locked up in bars iron, finished with a small door, closed. And so the seasons pass, and as the sun makes its cycle, even the city changes, changing its shape, growing up, and destroying ricoponendosi as if it were made by giant lego. How I would like to be part of that change! As for what I want to have the power ... I'd have the courage to fly away.
Why after years of the cage was opened. But wait cautiously for the right moment, it is the duty of all good birds? You know when you're happy with the success of others, almost vivendone, aspiring to their skill. The people thanks you with his head, makes you a smile and moves on, as if he knew of not having to the same courtesy. As if you had done for acknowledging, as it was the only way to be appreciated.
But respect, in most reports, is never give and take, but almost always points to nothing. So respect for yourself you build it in your head, where people you admire make you a goddess. Where you dance well, sings well, drive well, always smile, you have a perfect life. Where everyone look at you with eyes wide open as you are beautiful, nice and wonderful. A world that is in a small iron cage and do not really bother the item master. A little oasis of happiness away from the reality that awaits you each morning.
I never dream things I can not have, I always dream that all those for granted. For years, my little cage was my world, enriched by the false appearances of people who were part of the real world, that's my view. And now that the cage is open, I do not want to go out. Get out of here there are things that are not used to it, difficult things, discussions, tormented love, people who do not listen to you and you do not admire the way you want. When you get home then, there are other solutions ... I forgive dream, around the room, all of the time when you have so much envy make you feel appreciated for your wonderful qualities ... but Meanwhile, they are not cultivated. I'm afraid I do not want to get out of here.
I do not have the relationship I want, I'm surrounded by people who do not understand the greatness of the things they have and not complain, putting themselves at the center of the universe without thinking of others, other people give too much importance to a component of their lives and basically, never having experienced the cage, do not know what it means to lose the happiness seeing others with a smile on his face.
When the only thing you see is the afflievolisce your smile in the mirror, the desire to live the reality fades.
I feel I'm losing my life, little by little. I'm letting that slip, making important life pretending. I think sometimes being crazy for wanting to live a fake life as wonderfully perfect and I feel even more stupid to look for answers in people who maybe thought I was crazy for years.
I feel like shit.
How To Make Pink Minnie Mouse Ears
It would be wonderful to get away and take in a country where the differences are not "differences" but are normal in the bourgeois sense of the word. I never thought about God's existence, let's say that during these years I never raised the problem of good or look good in front of a superior entity to judge my actions. My family is very Christian and I know this tells you something of my life. I do not like dancing, I do not like the music business, I do not like to show my belly to look more pussy, girls hate idiots who believe God and I firmly believe that a person must be nice to have a minimum of spiritual value.
A black sheep in other words.
for this are contained in the space of my room, the only place where I really feel at home without any exceptions. I can be what I want when I close that door open when everything is locked up in my body from 60 kg.
My gaze is turned towards the east, east and hope to reach a soon. This blog is a challenge because it's been so long since vent my frustrations on a virtual blog .... but above all is a challenge to my fickle desire never to bring out what I do.
Let's try
Friday, February 27, 2009
Manual Underwriting 2010
Uhuhuhuh! * L *
I found this cute MEME HERE . Needless to say, have a
Sealand as Father is shocking (given the young age of that) but even more so to see that Rome-jiji is the MOTHER!
Odde, and I've always seen as the Super-Seed of the situation. ° L °''
Rome-JII .. N-I-I did not know .. Forgive me for always misunderstood, my mother .. T_T
But have Belarus as sister and Supreme Russia-san \u0026lt;inchino> as a lover (* ç *) .. I get the impression that my life is a serious threat, here .. And then °_°''
Ukraine as best friend .. Well, social relationships are not the best at this Meme's Family. = _ = '
Nihon as Stalker is perfect already I imagine him armed with a camera, dark sunglasses and a hat to avoid recognition, and follows me down the street. * _ *
's so .. beautifully disturbing! X ° D
And even though I left for last: my beloved Hungary-chan!
Gods, since I love that girl, so ill fungirlisticamente ..
Best friend I would have preferred but if you can not swear that the best possible deal and that will never leave the highway for the holidays, even in the middle of August. U ^ U
See ya, MEME's COWBOYS! * W * /
(And become one with Russia-san .. * L *)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
How Much Does Cavity Filling
Because today I bought some "Slate Graphics-chan" and given that, as always, insomnia is felt I provicchiato to scribble something.
Obviously, as I had already guessed, Slate-chan NOT miracles, and then, despite the best intentions, my stroke and my way of color are poor. X ° ° D
But I admit that the disegnucchiare elfetta I am really amused despite the initial confusion due to "I do not know what the hell are the levels, let alone if I can paint something .." .
* L * Anyway I've done something at the end.
And that is that.
Well .. I think of having to please. = L =''
The next time I'll try to do something related to APH , now that I am not fungirlizzazione month that passes and adoration for Russia-san and 5-METERS LONG- either.
XD And to think that now I am an old woman .. I'd definitely put my head straight! XD
Bhèèèèè ...
* L *
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Calories In Bag Of Pop Secret Homestyle Popcorn
Here we are! * L *
(And remember that Russia-san is watching you .. more .. * L *)
Before going to say anything, trametta away with the cabbage, of course given to us by the "Taiga Production" (
Think of a rainy autumn day.
you were there at home, holed up like desert foxes in the daytime (which is a bit 'of poetic inspiration never hurts ..), staring at the existential vacuum chamber wall.
Then, a flash.
- Why not check sitozzi of Fans? - you wonder.
and begin your peregrination till infinity ..
- "The Tower of Druaga: Aegis of Uruk, nee? Ohmmaccheccarino!
I downloaded and run it in play.
one that welcomes you is a catchy opening ("Swinging, swinging") sooo kawaii and images: the usual alarm sounding, the usual kid in preschool (but noo, poor Jill! XD) hair fired trying to make them more human in the mirror without any major results, running away with the breakfast is not over yet and the girl, neighbor, who steals the edible greeting him in his own way (read ignore ..) and the races to try to take the train to school.
Several characters follow each other at this POs which seems like a movie and it's really nice to see. ^ ^
Now that you've read all this .. Well, forget it! * L *
Yes, because "Druaga (friendly speaking .. The title is too long. = X = ') is NOT an anime school, but a fantasy real.
And here the plot (sorry, I just wanted to shoot the Opening that I liked a number. XD) so
"have passed a lot 'of years since King Gilgamesh
Now every non-he-knows-how-many-years he repeats the Summer of Anu, a period during which the monsters literally fall from the Tower, going to end up on city and people and causing death and destruction, but do not worry ! There are
CLIMBERS mystics, adventurers who gathered in groups attempt to climb the tower to accumulate wealth and various treasures and resell those rare ingredients that can provide a healthy monster, and of course, there are those who point to the top of the tower, lair lggendario Druaga.
It is said that anyone who reaches the top of the granting of one wish, without restriction.
Well, one thing is tempting to many, in fact ..
And it is here that we meet our little (?) Jill, the main chara soul. Initially
TANK (noted by the roles typically GDRistici ..) in the group of brother Neebe (gods, how I hate that guy ..) because of .. uhm .. a small incident will be forced to create their own group and groped the mystical ascent! * _ *
If at first laugh for the various comic situations, some to the point of absurdity as a magnificent genderbender in the fifth episode, over the episodes the story becomes more serious, at times dramatic.
An anime that I recommend to everyone, yes. U ^ U "
This just wrote to tell you that ..
has finally arrived in Italy (from subbia WISE MYSTIC "Bowling Ball Fansub" For us mere mortals BBF ) the second series of "Druaga no Tou" in English "The Tower of Druaga" ! * L *
(For those who want to know the full name "Druaga no Tou: Sword of Uruk)
What can I say?
Having already seen the first four episodes of this second series, I can say that at least for now I find the plot a lot lighter than its predecessor, with a greater number of quotes from various movies / anime / whatever 'and another with a beautiful bit 'of Chara added and old surprise appearance.
But the fact remains that we are only five in the other series and that the real story began around the seventh episode ..
look confident. * _ *
I leave you with this second series of Op. * L * *
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Pokemon Dawn And Ash Having A Baby
Here I am again. ° _ °
I do almost afraid to be alone. ° _ °
Since, however you put it, actually suffering from acute insomnia. . Well, put a couple of sketches on Axis Power Hetalia.
Chibi! South Italy and Chibi! North Italy
Chibi! Feliciano (N. Italy) and Chibi! Ludwig ( Germany)
One day yours truly
EEA ; YOU! * _ *
What Stores Offer Layaway 2010
-Hello there! ^ ^
do not know if it happened at all, maybe it's something that comes out only to the undersigned. .
deep hatred qualsiasivoglia post a "first post" Welcome / Presentation or whatever, I've never anything quite clever / interesting / anything else to say, so I just like a mad monologue (yes, exactly what I'm doing now) for most of the time.
Odd, how sad. ° _ °
Since I do not have an artistic soul, my space is always a lot. . common up to borrow some skin from manga, anime or video game of the moment, so anything I've created, because I can not: I hate code. U ^ U
Oh Well. . Once I tried actually. .
turned out a real crap here and ended my story of pseudo-graphics in his spare time.
Also for the reason mentioned above (my lack of artistic sensibility) never use different styles in the same place so if you start with writing a small, difficult will it occur to me to use one to highlight some great things, and so ; on.
What simple minded. ° _ °
(Perhaps are just stupid, kana. . X ° D)
Sometimes I draw, but without great results.
I only do it for "personal relief", I enjoy a lot.
But I do not know color so everything I draw is a mere sketch is incomplete, because I get tired even before you finish it.
are verbose, tedious, often with delusions of grandeur and ravings of leadership that should immediately put down, or become the most monstrous thing that is seen, on balance they are a dangerous subject, "yes compulsive maniac" would say Gideon, one of the only people who watched the show on TV XD
Well. .
Since everything I wrote was not read by anyone (except me, of course) and since in the end I managed in one way or another, to write a kind of presentation (maybe). .
SEE YOU! * O *