I put an ad on a forum at a bdsm slave insertion of a twenty-five, this experiment we did it already with my friend will keep you updated.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Semper Fi Wrestling Singlet
What I wanted to see this afternoon
This afternoon I dreamed I killed an old woman then climbed to blows inside a house puts it under the sink and turned into a snowman, and I find myself in a house with the guys from Big Brother 4 and 5 that insult together with the new blonde that I feel all of Scrubs, I finally find myself in a parade with the pope to which I say "nice to know I am an atheist," then began a procession in a huge medieval castle rock, where I will go ahead following the knights in armor are beginning to fight so I hide in a kind of stone arch at the end come two and say, "Thank God you came from I just hope that success is not a casino" and they "are all angry with you" then I get up and open a door opens behind me, and ntro and we are all enlightened sarcophagi and a pair of cabinets, take a key and I open them, a priest comes and tells me "you've discovered a great secret" and I "m I can tell you from the pope arrival the pope give him a pat on the shoulder, he turns around, the do a pizza and I do "to bbello ... look what have found" the key to the shot and I'm proud of me ...
... That's how insulting that shit is a real dream for me, so why stop even better in real life or on the Internet?
With Smallpox Infection
This afternoon I dreamed I killed an old woman then climbed to blows inside a house puts it under the sink and turned into a snowman, and I find myself in a house with the guys from Big Brother 4 and 5 that insult together with the new blonde that I feel all of Scrubs, I finally find myself in a parade with the pope to which I say "nice to know I am an atheist," then began a procession in a huge medieval castle rock, where I will go ahead following the knights in armor are beginning to fight so I hide in a kind of stone arch at the end come two and say, "Thank God you came from I just hope that success is not a casino" and they "are all angry with you" then I get up and open a door opens behind me, and ntro and we are all enlightened sarcophagi and a pair of cabinets, take a key and I open them, a priest comes and tells me "you've discovered a great secret" and I "m I can tell you from the pope arrival the pope give him a pat on the shoulder, he turns around, the do a pizza and I do "to bbello ... look what have found" the key to the shot and I'm proud of me ...
... That's how insulting that shit is a real dream for me, so why stop even better in real life or on the Internet?
With Smallpox Infection
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Brazil Extreme Curves
And here's to you my new victim, to tell you the truth I've only read his post where he claims to have been abandoned and suffer again, I am insulted so bland because the 5 I'm listening to Ray Charles and I'm at work, mind you, no, since you mostly useless Vaiolettori at night you do the Internet users on LiveJournal, and blowjobs porn sites, hoping that one day Dirindindina entri da quella porta insieme a Pupetta e a Boutn Noir e vi dicano " si tu sei il re dei blogger e noi ti succhieremo fino all'ultimo post" , insomma ecco a voi
julesetjim il Vaiolutente di questa settimana.
Vi copio qui il post che gli ho mandato, onde evitare che questo tizio qui mi banni subito.
2004-10-24 20:01 (link)
Beh che dire caro amico, sei un fallito, ma non di quelli che quando li guardi dici "aò ma questo è fallito" , no sei uno di quei viscidi signorotti che sperano di darsi l'aria the shabby, but instead are just failed.
I'm sorry for you, no, because you deserve it, instead of writing bullshit ste you could go and take € 20 and go and beat one of those women that will pop up the moral and fuck your little friend.
Do not ask why I give this advice, do not ask why it comes down, or because you are born losers, you just hope that one day someone tells you how to heal, here I am, I'm your wonderful medical futility, and are taken to form anal, because despite everything must burn my absolute truths.
With Smallpox Infection
ps you were lucky, today they are poetic.
And here's to you my new victim, to tell you the truth I've only read his post where he claims to have been abandoned and suffer again, I am insulted so bland because the 5 I'm listening to Ray Charles and I'm at work, mind you, no, since you mostly useless Vaiolettori at night you do the Internet users on LiveJournal, and blowjobs porn sites, hoping that one day Dirindindina entri da quella porta insieme a Pupetta e a Boutn Noir e vi dicano " si tu sei il re dei blogger e noi ti succhieremo fino all'ultimo post" , insomma ecco a voi
Vi copio qui il post che gli ho mandato, onde evitare che questo tizio qui mi banni subito.
2004-10-24 20:01 (link)
Beh che dire caro amico, sei un fallito, ma non di quelli che quando li guardi dici "aò ma questo è fallito" , no sei uno di quei viscidi signorotti che sperano di darsi l'aria the shabby, but instead are just failed.
I'm sorry for you, no, because you deserve it, instead of writing bullshit ste you could go and take € 20 and go and beat one of those women that will pop up the moral and fuck your little friend.
Do not ask why I give this advice, do not ask why it comes down, or because you are born losers, you just hope that one day someone tells you how to heal, here I am, I'm your wonderful medical futility, and are taken to form anal, because despite everything must burn my absolute truths.
With Smallpox Infection
ps you were lucky, today they are poetic.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
What Does A Statue Reveal About Greek Values
Smallpox TEST: on a sultry afternoon of rest ..
Eye Color: Blacks
Height: 1.80
What time do you go to bed usually? when I sleep ...
you ever been so drunk you do not remember anything anymore? No, but once I've been abducted by aliens after I had drunk ...
Have you ever put a body part on fire for fun? ... No, but I put the other on fire for fun ... the problem is that I was drunk and I forgot to take it off ...
you ever been in a car accident? ... have been hit by a motorbike ...
you ever been hurt emotionally? ah my little heart is every day more fragile, sometimes I think it's like the compatibility of Lorientriel (I love you nana!)
Have you had an imaginary friend? If you're reading this you're probably one of these ...
Ever wanted to break up a friendship with a friend? No, but I wanted to break a friend ...
Have you ever cried over a movie ? No to a cartoon is, however, for a "Grave of the Fireflies" ... is a terrible agony ... ..
Have you ever had a fight with one of your teacher? .. I've been kicked out of my high school with a complaint and conducted in a 5 ... but I always had good relationships with the professors ...
you ever thought that a cartoon was hot? No, but I am downloading a couple of hentai to get me a saw once .... but not me addrizza seeing people with purple eyes, hair, blue moods and pussy that squirts like vomit ...
you ever cut your hair? r aramente and I cut them alone ..
you been sarcastic?. .. no ...\u0026lt;--- grasp the brilliant oxymoron ..
Shampoo: Akane better ..
Color: Black because I'm fat ..
Day / Night: Night , by day there's a shit on TV ....
Foods: anything that has anointed fat and over ....
Your sentence today: "when I order you to inflamed so I have to buy condoms asbestos .. "
Film: Rome at gunpoint
Paper: The talisman of happiness ...
Gelato: mom my test but they do know all the same ... .
'Favourite : la_cri with sex education that makes the porn teacher
Dress: naked with 4 drops of sweat
Eat: my phlegm
Drink: my catarrh
Plays: my phlegm
Talk to: your phlegm
Look : my phlegm
In last 24 hours
you cried? Yes ... the OC bitch was left by the loser who got unlucky with the ...
You put a skirt? Yes ..
You washed the clothes? only in the family ..
You have driven a car? no I do not drive on the principle of the engine .. ..
Yourself : No I believe in Pupetta ..
Tooth Fairy: I have them all twisted .. I think you do not believe in me ..
Destiny: here I could do some sentence of effect, but I can not ..
Angels: there is nor one in each of us
Ghosts: there one in each of us
UFOs and aliens there or one in each of us ...
Misfortune: you.
Friends and life
Who are the casino? I'm really shit test ago
Who would you go for help? It depends on what , legal certainly Barolo ...
with those who weep? ... With my girlfriend ... - this I will earn at least 10 blowjob on her knees and tied her with a bottle in the ass.
What is the best feeling? Love (Yay us to 20)
Who sent you this test? I took from a blog on Splinder a sixteen year old girl who complained of his futile life!
The first kindergarten teacher: died
The last word you said: "pass me the ashtray"
The last word you wrote (not in this test) "an insult to someone of this blog"
The last song you sang: Adam Freeland - We Want Your Soul a song .. brilliant dark shit that you can not understand ..
The last thing to you rice: my grandmother crying because l’hanno sfrattata e gridava a mio zio “ ma perché! Perchèè!!! Non sei venuto a montarmi il lavandino!”..
L'ultima volta che hai pianto: -chi ha scritto questo test deve avere una vita molto triste…
Cosa c'è nel tuo lettore cd: EUGE GROOVE
Di che colore sono i calzini o le scarpe che indossi: Neri di cotone perché li rubo a mio padre..
Cosa c'è sotto il tuo letto : delle blatte germaniche, dei mozziconi di canna, dei fazzoletti sporchi di sperma e qualche altra prelibatezza
A che ora ti sei svegliato ogg i: At 8: 30 and gnawing because I work at night ...
What will your work Sculaccerò young asian virgin with round asses and firm
Where you live: Rome, Rome and only Rome ...
How many children want the : I do not care how important that there is a male and that is healthy, if my sperm will produce because of the impure woman, a female or a male fails, the first thrown by a child cliff and then whipped the woman for not having fulfilled its sole purpose, to receive my sperm and produce a healthy heir.
What car driven : Black with a Lantra in 1998 the writing on the hood "SPERMINETOR" The World is
Eye Color: Blacks
Height: 1.80
What time do you go to bed usually? when I sleep ...
you ever been so drunk you do not remember anything anymore? No, but once I've been abducted by aliens after I had drunk ...
Have you ever put a body part on fire for fun? ... No, but I put the other on fire for fun ... the problem is that I was drunk and I forgot to take it off ...
you ever been in a car accident? ... have been hit by a motorbike ...
you ever been hurt emotionally? ah my little heart is every day more fragile, sometimes I think it's like the compatibility of Lorientriel (I love you nana!)
Have you had an imaginary friend? If you're reading this you're probably one of these ...
Ever wanted to break up a friendship with a friend? No, but I wanted to break a friend ...
Have you ever cried over a movie ? No to a cartoon is, however, for a "Grave of the Fireflies" ... is a terrible agony ... ..
Have you ever had a fight with one of your teacher? .. I've been kicked out of my high school with a complaint and conducted in a 5 ... but I always had good relationships with the professors ...
you ever thought that a cartoon was hot? No, but I am downloading a couple of hentai to get me a saw once .... but not me addrizza seeing people with purple eyes, hair, blue moods and pussy that squirts like vomit ...
you ever cut your hair? r aramente and I cut them alone ..
you been sarcastic?. .. no ...\u0026lt;--- grasp the brilliant oxymoron ..
Shampoo: Akane better ..
Color: Black because I'm fat ..
Day / Night: Night , by day there's a shit on TV ....
Foods: anything that has anointed fat and over ....
Your sentence today: "when I order you to inflamed so I have to buy condoms asbestos .. "
Film: Rome at gunpoint
Paper: The talisman of happiness ...
Gelato: mom my test but they do know all the same ... .
'Favourite : la_cri with sex education that makes the porn teacher
Dress: naked with 4 drops of sweat
Eat: my phlegm
Drink: my catarrh
Plays: my phlegm
Talk to: your phlegm
Look : my phlegm
In last 24 hours
you cried? Yes ... the OC bitch was left by the loser who got unlucky with the ...
You put a skirt? Yes ..
You washed the clothes? only in the family ..
You have driven a car? no I do not drive on the principle of the engine .. ..
Yourself : No I believe in Pupetta ..
Tooth Fairy: I have them all twisted .. I think you do not believe in me ..
Destiny: here I could do some sentence of effect, but I can not ..
Angels: there is nor one in each of us
Ghosts: there one in each of us
UFOs and aliens there or one in each of us ...
Misfortune: you.
Friends and life
Who are the casino? I'm really shit test ago
Who would you go for help? It depends on what , legal certainly Barolo ...
with those who weep? ... With my girlfriend ... - this I will earn at least 10 blowjob on her knees and tied her with a bottle in the ass.
What is the best feeling? Love (Yay us to 20)
Who sent you this test? I took from a blog on Splinder a sixteen year old girl who complained of his futile life!
The first kindergarten teacher: died
The last word you said: "pass me the ashtray"
The last word you wrote (not in this test) "an insult to someone of this blog"
The last song you sang: Adam Freeland - We Want Your Soul a song .. brilliant dark shit that you can not understand ..
The last thing to you rice: my grandmother crying because l’hanno sfrattata e gridava a mio zio “ ma perché! Perchèè!!! Non sei venuto a montarmi il lavandino!”..
L'ultima volta che hai pianto: -chi ha scritto questo test deve avere una vita molto triste…
Cosa c'è nel tuo lettore cd: EUGE GROOVE
Di che colore sono i calzini o le scarpe che indossi: Neri di cotone perché li rubo a mio padre..
Cosa c'è sotto il tuo letto : delle blatte germaniche, dei mozziconi di canna, dei fazzoletti sporchi di sperma e qualche altra prelibatezza
A che ora ti sei svegliato ogg i: At 8: 30 and gnawing because I work at night ...
What will your work Sculaccerò young asian virgin with round asses and firm
Where you live: Rome, Rome and only Rome ...
How many children want the : I do not care how important that there is a male and that is healthy, if my sperm will produce because of the impure woman, a female or a male fails, the first thrown by a child cliff and then whipped the woman for not having fulfilled its sole purpose, to receive my sperm and produce a healthy heir.
What car driven : Black with a Lantra in 1998 the writing on the hood "SPERMINETOR" The World is
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Beach Vacation Playlists
sadists, I am firmly convinced, the world is sadistic because the mass is masochistic, and from what I hear? by Maurizio Costanzo, I firmly believe him to produce television junk aware that this is what people want, does nothing more than an ass whipping already red, the public wants to see the tears so he feels that his life is not so much shitty? and then he organizes "You've Got Mail," a theater of old obese who embrace her missing daughter, of abandoned children embracing old obese, because the mother is always the mother. Other
mass product is the handsome pre-packaged, here There are all kinds, come from the beautiful and arrogant, so that the dancer ignites only with the dance, the gym any other stereotype that a girl and a mom can dream and swim without saying that people who are sluts.
Then there is the most morbid of Italian television costume, there are trans culattoni, and pedophiles, the second part of the proposal in "Fame" where the newly proposed eighteen sculettano in ballets such as "technically" difficult and where to a blonde to be expressed are acting orgasm Harry Met Selly.
Last but not least there is the great femoneno of Big Brother, the Spy Tinto Brass Italy has shrunk miniature inside the television, where characters and unlikely to exercise pre-built Fingon "bread bread and wine to wine" so that all good coglioncelli feel gratified at seeing "people like them" do not make money doing a shit.
Now these things are not told and retold by no means original, and you my little Vaiolettori you will already be thinking, "here he has given to the trade" but no, I am surprised with special effects, all this talk is to tell you that Finally in this wonderful world internett, nobody likes television, and you know why?
Why people like the Marseillaise or Pupetta or dirindindina or who the hell for them, have fled to instill Maurizio Costanzo to land in a fantastic alternate world that makes them seem so special, so they do not see all the television (or if they do it only for nonconformity, like to see stupid programs and then brag about, saying, ah, how cool that I be cool with the cool and then I sunk to the level of the populace), but love to hate Big Brother Orwell's 1984, but hate vie for FAME Fame (which is so revolutionary, and then 70 years), vomit on him to Constantine but wet themselves if they see a picture of some dark-vampire shit, and so on. In short, this discourse is now
Tito and back, some say that each individual is unique, says bullshit, tuttto want the same shit, everyone wants money, appear in tv, fuck the models or the model and appear interesting and witty, you're actually the same old same old shit obese, Marie Defilippi, and Platinette that fill the television, except that unlike them, I can insult you from here and rivers of crap you write to challenge, instead they make a lot of euros and for that I respect them.
And the cry "Long live the culattoni Milton and live on TV" I greet you today hoping that you may have learned something from your legendary and gifted
sadists, I am firmly convinced, the world is sadistic because the mass is masochistic, and from what I hear? by Maurizio Costanzo, I firmly believe him to produce television junk aware that this is what people want, does nothing more than an ass whipping already red, the public wants to see the tears so he feels that his life is not so much shitty? and then he organizes "You've Got Mail," a theater of old obese who embrace her missing daughter, of abandoned children embracing old obese, because the mother is always the mother. Other
mass product is the handsome pre-packaged, here There are all kinds, come from the beautiful and arrogant, so that the dancer ignites only with the dance, the gym any other stereotype that a girl and a mom can dream and swim without saying that people who are sluts.
Then there is the most morbid of Italian television costume, there are trans culattoni, and pedophiles, the second part of the proposal in "Fame" where the newly proposed eighteen sculettano in ballets such as "technically" difficult and where to a blonde to be expressed are acting orgasm Harry Met Selly.
Last but not least there is the great femoneno of Big Brother, the Spy Tinto Brass Italy has shrunk miniature inside the television, where characters and unlikely to exercise pre-built Fingon "bread bread and wine to wine" so that all good coglioncelli feel gratified at seeing "people like them" do not make money doing a shit.
Now these things are not told and retold by no means original, and you my little Vaiolettori you will already be thinking, "here he has given to the trade" but no, I am surprised with special effects, all this talk is to tell you that Finally in this wonderful world internett, nobody likes television, and you know why?
Why people like the Marseillaise or Pupetta or dirindindina or who the hell for them, have fled to instill Maurizio Costanzo to land in a fantastic alternate world that makes them seem so special, so they do not see all the television (or if they do it only for nonconformity, like to see stupid programs and then brag about, saying, ah, how cool that I be cool with the cool and then I sunk to the level of the populace), but love to hate Big Brother Orwell's 1984, but hate vie for FAME Fame (which is so revolutionary, and then 70 years), vomit on him to Constantine but wet themselves if they see a picture of some dark-vampire shit, and so on. In short, this discourse is now
Tito and back, some say that each individual is unique, says bullshit, tuttto want the same shit, everyone wants money, appear in tv, fuck the models or the model and appear interesting and witty, you're actually the same old same old shit obese, Marie Defilippi, and Platinette that fill the television, except that unlike them, I can insult you from here and rivers of crap you write to challenge, instead they make a lot of euros and for that I respect them.
And the cry "Long live the culattoni Milton and live on TV" I greet you today hoping that you may have learned something from your legendary and gifted
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Cute Team Hair Ribbons
Thought ...
"You're Beautiful ... really", I notice his body drawn from my brushstrokes, the painting of flesh beautiful representation sublime art. Your tears are the best compliment I could receive, you should myself grateful for what you've become, you're the pain and ecstasy, perfect combination of emotions that a contrastanti.Pensi painter to create this work? Do you think observing a canvas smeared with color you can experience the same emotions? Needles as brushes, color as the blood, the flesh as a canvas, you're my living fresco, rejoice that, were a miserable creature before and now you're art , your eyes were inanimate, but now overflowing with emotions, live, glow, blood flowing from the caresses of my instruments are not my signature, you are mine hours. You told me love you, and I have loved you, now you're dead, yet adore you, adore you but now you are pale, really .....
"You're Beautiful ... really", I notice his body drawn from my brushstrokes, the painting of flesh beautiful representation sublime art. Your tears are the best compliment I could receive, you should myself grateful for what you've become, you're the pain and ecstasy, perfect combination of emotions that a contrastanti.Pensi painter to create this work? Do you think observing a canvas smeared with color you can experience the same emotions? Needles as brushes, color as the blood, the flesh as a canvas, you're my living fresco, rejoice that, were a miserable creature before and now you're art , your eyes were inanimate, but now overflowing with emotions, live, glow, blood flowing from the caresses of my instruments are not my signature, you are mine hours. You told me love you, and I have loved you, now you're dead, yet adore you, adore you but now you are pale, really .....
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